Brand Monitoring Online Tips

Ways You Can Monitor Your BrandReputation Online

Brand reputation is the perception customers, employees, and partners have of a brand. Maintaining a good brand reputation is important for the success of your business.

You could be doing everything amazing to market your brand online. The visitors and leads are streaming into your website like never before. Everything around your brand is gaining momentum, and the business is ticking the boxes.

Suddenly a dissatisfied customer drops a bombshell on social media and spreads negative information about your brand. If you don’t detect and correct the mess on time, things will slowly fall apart, and your brand will face a serious backlash. 

Fortunately, this article gives you a secret on monitoring your brand reputation online. 

5 Ways to Monitor Brand Reputation Online 5 Ways to Monitor Brand Reputation Online

Use Google Alerts

Google Alerts is a simple free tool that allows users to set and receive notifications/alerts about a topic. It is, therefore, a brainer that Google Alerts can be used to monitor a brand’s online reputation.

You simply create alerts about your brand, and Google Alerts will scan the web and alert you when your brand is mentioned. This way, you can detect and fix the issue on time. 

However, you should be smart in applying the alert settings because you don’t want to be bombarded with too many alerts.

Use Automated Brand Monitoring Tools

The online space has tons of information that never stops coming. Manually managing this huge database requires time, energy, and commitment.

However, using an automated brand monitoring tool simplifies everything and transforms how you monitor your brand online. These tools allow you to customize how you monitor your brands online. 

Finding the right brand monitoring tool can be daunting. However, you should pick a tool that works for you. If you are in Kenya, you can use a Brand Moran brand monitoring tool tailored for brands in Kenya.

This brand monitoring tool gives you capabilities like digital monitoring and social listening, brand analytics, real-time alerts, reports and analysis, and tracking industry trends.

Constantly Check your Social Media

Staying away for a long without checking your social media pages is like scoring your own goal for your brand. The social media space is incessantly bombarded with posts about brands; your brand is no exception. 

Brands know the value of using social media; this space is open to many things. Keeping an eye on your social media pages ensures that you arrest a situation before it explodes into a menace. Social media listening tools will also come in handy here.

Task someone to daily check and update your social media pages and groups. You can create simple spreadsheets, manage comments directly, and monitor your ads. 

Do Regular Brand Reputation Audits on Search Engine

Also, doing a regular brand search audit is simple and inexpensive. Here, you rely on Google to fetch the latest news about your brand and use it to deduce its reputation online. Simply enter the name of your brand and search for it via Google. 

Check the results and see whether there is any latest news about it. If any, open the site and get more information. 

Moreover, you can investigate that page and smartly request the owner to remove bad content or post correctional or good content about your brand. 

Find and Follow Trending Hashtags

Trending hashtags offer seamless ways to find trending information. Knowing what is currently trending on Twitter, Instagram, or other relevant social media sites can be a big boost in monitoring your online brand reputation. 

You can search hashtags that are related to your brand or industry and see the content and reaction. 

Pay attention to those hashtags that have your brand name or are directly related to your brand. 

The Wrap Up

Your brand’s reputation is critical.  You should never trade that for anything. With the usage of social media platforms skyrocketing, negative reputations can easily pull down your brand.

While there are many ways to avoid this, the surest way is to monitor your brand. Get a proper brand monitoring tool and seamlessly transform how you monitor your brand reputation online. 

Remember, if you need an affordable brand monitoring tool, drop us an email at

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