Brand Monitoring Online Tips

How to Monitor Your Brand Reputation Online

Ways You Can Monitor Your BrandReputation Online Brand reputation is the perception customers, employees, and partners have of a brand. Maintaining...

How Do You Reach Your Social Media Target Audience

How Do You Reach Your Social Media Target Audience

Today, you can hardly imagine a brand that grows without a social media presence. While several brands may have a...

Benefits of Listening to your Customers

5 Benefits of Listening to your Customers

In the current business environment where competition bombards from all sides, listening to your customers is one thing you cannot...

How To Run a Hashtag Campaign Successfully

How To Run a Hashtag Campaign Successfully

How To Run a Hashtag Campaign Successfully You might be asking yourself what is a hashtag campaign and the various...

A Guide to Live Tweeting Your Upcoming Event or Conference

A Guide to Live Tweeting Your Upcoming Event or Conference

How to Live Tweet Your Upcoming Event or Conference Live Tweeting is a red-hot jewel for loads of brands who...

Social media listening tools

12 Affordable Social Media Listening Tools to Monitor your Brand in Kenya

BrandMentions social media listening monitoring toolAre you looking for an affordable or free social media listening tools? For the success...

How to Create a Compelling Social Media Listening Strategy

How to Create a Compelling Social Media Listening Strategy

A right social media listening strategy coupled with the right tools will enable your grow business in an immense way ...

Brand Moran Digital Marketing Quotes for Your Social Media Captions

Top Digital Marketing Quotes for Your Social Media Captions

Digital Marketing is the act of promoting and selling products and services using online platforms and internet to reach online...

Tips on How to Use Social Media Listening to Succeed in Hotel Reputation Management

6 Tips on How to Use Social Listening to Succeed in Hotel Reputation Management

Using Social Listening to Succeed in Hotel Reputation Management If you are in the hotel industry, you will agree that...